The Level IV Multi-Curve Body Armor Plate is the culmination of over a year of research and development. Through relentless testing and feedback from various agencies we are finally satisfied and prepared to provide you the protection needed. We didn't want to develop something we felt the market already offered but instead, offer the best possible threat protection, the maximum level of comfort and lastly, a price everyone can afford.
- NIJ tested Level IV Armor
- 5.9Lb Ceramic Alumina Plate with Polyethylene
- Defeats threats up to .30 Cal with multiple hits (Our tests defeated M2AP from a 24" 30-06 traveling 2880FPS at 49 Feet)
- Multi-Hit Protection
- Padded Outer Shell to Reduce Impact Damage
- True Multi-Curve Design
- Weighs just 6 Pounds 8 Ounces
- Designed and Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Compliant with NIJ Standard-0101.06
NIJ tested Level IV Armor tested and proven to defeat 3 rifle rounds up to .30 Cal M2AP @ 2887fps from a distance of 42 feet
Proven to defeat the following threats:
- 9MM
- .40S&W
- .45ACP
- 10MM
- .223
- 5.56X45 (XM 193)
- 7.62 X 39
- 7.62 x 51 M80
- M855
- 7.62x63 M2AP
STORAGE and Handling:
We recommend plates be treated and handled with respect. While our plates are designed to overcome occasional bumps and bruises, ceramic plates are susceptible to abuse and can be compromised with gross neglect. Be responsible.